To change the source of an Image type, select Change Source URL in the context menu. To reset item size, position, or anchors, select context menu commands. To hide or show child items, edit the properties of the parent item. You can also set the Opacity field to 0 to hide items that you want to apply animation to.Īs all properties, visibility and opacity are inherited from the parent item. To change the visibility of an item in the application, select the Visibility check box in the Properties pane or select Edit > Visibility in the context menu. Click the ( Transparent) button to change the visibility of an item on the canvas. You can show and hide items to focus on specific parts of the application.

When you remove an item, the child items are also removed. When you copy an item, all its child items are also copied. For example, you might want to make a mouse area larger than the rectangle or image beneath it (1). However, they do not necessarily have to fit inside the parent item. Typically, child items are located within the parent item on the canvas. To select items on the canvas, right-click an item, and select another type in the context menu. Items can access the properties of their parent item. You can select items in the Navigator to edit their properties in the Properties pane. Items (1) are listed in a tree structure, below their parent (2). The Navigator displays the items in the current QML file and their relationships. QML states typically describe user interface configurations, such as the UI controls, their properties and behavior and the available actions.
Qt creator design greyed out code#
You can change the properties also in the code editor. Properties pane (5) organizes the properties of the selected item.Canvas (4) is the working area where you create QML components and design applications.Open Documents sidebar view shows currently open files.For more information, see Viewing the File System. File System shows all files in the currently selected directory.For more information, see Viewing Project Files. Projects shows a list of projects open in the current session.For more information, see Adding Connections. Connections (3) enables you to create connections between objects, signals, and object properties.Library (2) displays the building blocks that you can use to design applications: predefined QML types, your own QML components, Qt Quick components or Qt Quick Controls that you import to the project, and other resources.Navigator (1) displays the items in the current QML file as tree structure.

You can select the content of the sidebar in the sidebar menu: Use the sidebar to select QML types to use in the project and to view them in a tree structure, as well as to create connections and browse projects and files.Use the visual editor to manage your project: It is recommended that you use UI forms for components that you want to design in Qt Quick Designer. Qt Creator opens the UI forms in the Design mode. You can edit Qt Quick UI Forms (ui.qml files) in Qt Quick Designer.